Sunday, April 1, 2012

I really need to catch up

Under the Sea mural for Caleb

Ok, I admit it, I have been a bad blogger and I have a lot of catching up to do. Shame on me.  I’ve been pretty busy with some painting projects and things have been a little more crazy around here than the usual insanity.  My husband and both of my children have had a terrible flu over the last 2 weeks and now I have it. Oh they joys. All moms know, when the household is sick, you are the one who gets hardest job of all. I’ve been up all day and all night for several days and several nights.  Let’s hope this goes away and we can all rest a bit.

Sign ordered as a birthday gift
In the meantime, between the coughs and tummy aches, I managed to paint a mural, a sign, and a chair.  As I move from one project to another I have found that I am always capable of more than I give myself credit for. This raises an interesting question: Are we all capable of doing much more than we lead ourselves to believe we can? I am the first one to look at a new challenge and immediately, yet unintentionally, doubt myself.  I tend to stay in my comfort zone and sometimes I have difficulty opening up my mind to new possibilities.  Whenever I venture outside of the box I find that I can do so much more than I thought I could. Most times, things don’t turn out the way I pictured them, sometimes they’re good, sometimes they’re bad, but usually they’re different. I’m finding that I need to push my limits much more often, those are the times when greatness comes.

Chair purchased at an antique store
by my daughters preschool teacher.
I spruced it up a bit for her:o)
I have a lot coming up and a few things I have already completed, besides the aforementioned, but I won’t post it all today. There’s always another day, another blog.
As always, you can check out my store
Until next time, cheers!

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